Soul Inspired Creator | Sharon Kensley

by | May 31, 2018 | Interviews

My work is an expression of my own inner journey, to create from my heart space, from my soul! I hoped to inspire people on the similar path, to reconnect with their true nature!

Tell me a little bit about what you do

I create recycled journals, using vintage book covers. Each book features a soul inspired design which has been etched onto the front cover.

I choose each book for its own authentic appeal, making everyone completely unique and special, no two journals are exactly alike. I find the beauty in using recycled books, is in the unpredictability and spontaneity.

I replace the inner pages and bind them with blank writing paper. The pages of the journals are blank except the first page which says:

“This recycled book has been hand crafted into a sacred space for your beautiful soul to express its inner journey.

What inspired you to create these journals and where did you learn the art?

My work is an expression of my own inner journey, to create from my heart space, from my soul!  I hope to inspire people on the similar path to reconnect with their true nature!

I grew tired of creating products that were focused on what I felt the market wanted and needed. My inspiration was to create a product out of recycled material and a platform to express my own inner journey through my art.

Journaling is believed to be in direct communication with your soul and as I began on my own path of self discovery, this became the most obvious companion.

Each image I created, reflected the space and lessons I was processing at the time. I soon realised that these lessons resonated not only with me, but with many others on a similar path of self discovery. It was not only my journey it was everyone’s journey!

When I decided to start creating the journals , I went out and connected with people who knew the art of book binding and learnt as much as possible, through trial and error I learnt the skill. The same went for the rest of the journal design, I explored until I found the right formula.

How did you choose the quotations?

The quotations I choose embody the lessons I am trying to learn at that particular time.

What 3 books have influenced you the most?

Thats a real tough one, there are so many and continue to be! Books like, ‘The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life’ by Drunvalo Melchizedek, all of Carlos Castaneda books and ‘Anatomy of the Spirit’ by Caroline Myss.

 What is your most precious possession?

Its so crazy, because I’m sitting here looking around and can’t seem to think of anything I’m completely attached to, other than my family. The lesson I am trying to learn, is to know that I am not my things and to give my life away.

Now that I’m thinking, my most precious possessions would be three rings, my wedding ring, my beautiful flower of life ring from my friend that just passed and my grans wedding ring. The rest I don’t feel attached to.

 If you could own one piece of art, what/which one would it be?

That’s such a hard one! Any Monet. I have always loved how he can capture the essence of a moment in nature and time, the light, the colour, the mood, the brush stroke. When the artist becomes an embodiment of nature itself.  We are one!

What is your idea of happiness?

My children laughing is absolute bliss. I do believe happiness comes from within, so I’m constantly trying to increase the levels of happiness, like, being more present in each moment and finding the joy in everything. Definitely moments of love, or loving what you’re doing is pure happiness. The connection between my husband and I (and I love to laugh.)

 What have you learned the hard way?

That I create my reality, so everything in my present and past, is completely a result of what I have thought and owning that. It a hard lesson to step out of victim consciousness and take responsibility for everything. Thoughts become things, so now I’m way more conscious about what I put out there.

Where would you like to explore?

Everywhere! My soul constantly yearns to travel. The next two countries I will be exploring on the long list, will be Sir Lanka and Peru. I will be manifesting one of these by the end of the year.

What scent is most evocative for you? What memories does it bring back?

Sandlewood, I love the grounding, soft, warm, earthy, woody sent.  It reminds me of a beaded necklace I bought about 18 years ago at one of the stalls in Knysna and loved the smell of them. It takes me straight back to my youth, when Knysna was filled with hippies and creativity along its streets. It also gives me a feeling of the orient.

What do you think is a dying art?

Hahaha, probably bookbinding, there are machines that make these processes far easier, but less authentic. There are many artist skills like this.

What words do you try and live by?

There are quite a few! Trust in the flow and the guidance of the universe. Speak your truth with compassion, even if others don’t like it. Always ask the question, is this good for my soul? Live in the moment. Do what you love no matter what the sacrifice. Find your innate talent and how you can use it to be of service. Always choose to be kind, even when you’re feeling the opposite. Be grateful. Come from your heart space.

Sharon Kensley is the creator of exquisite, recycled vintage journals: Wake Up And Dream. To purchase a journal, contact Sharon on 082 853 9584





Untitled design